Enterprise and Service

We exsist to empower individuals and organizations who want to become the best they can and use those skills in service to others.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Where do you start?

You start at the begining. Who are you and what are you here for? Once you find out you can move and act in confidence. Who you are, and who you are not, is vital to moving forward. One of the greatest revelations for me was that I could have weakness and holes and that is OK. I can be happy with who I am. Being satisfied with who I am does not mean I don't want to grow. I long to be mature. My personality does however have may limitations. Knowing my limitation helps me to appreciate the strengths of other. I am not a detail person. I like to look at the bigger picture. I am not the type of person who enjoys all the minute detail of philosophy and religion. Just give me the gist and help me fit it into practice. How does it affect how I should live.

The Point I am trying to get at is that people were created to need each other and God. I will say this unequivically. We have an absolute need for God.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vision for Entregroup

Short Background

I have had some ideas that have been floating around in my mind for a long time now. It is time to put some of these down in writing. For several years I have seen the potential in so many of the people around me. We all have different gifts and talents that complement each others. What would happen if we used our gifts to empower one another?

I have been seeking to build a company for the past seven years. The development of this company has taken many different people with many different gifts. The courage to take risks has come from the hope that someday I will have greater resources to empower others.

The Vision

I see a group of people who have skills in specific areas to join together to empower one another to fulfill each of there unique goals and dreams. A percentage of the outcome would be used to empower others outside the group. (such as orphans etc)

Mission: To use our specific area of expertise to empower individuals inside the group and outside.

1. Define four to seven specific areas to create teams of professionals around
2. Clearly define vision, mission, values and goals for each member
3. Define a strategic plan for each member

Some of the areas of expertise would be as follows
Finance and Accounting
