Enterprise and Service

We exsist to empower individuals and organizations who want to become the best they can and use those skills in service to others.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

More Vision for this Group

We can set out to produce. I think an impoverished mentality is that we are out to take more than we give. My mentality should be to be able to produce and give far more than I take. This is the idea of value.

The vision is to produce businesses that have this mentality. To be able to produce a valuable product or service and be able to empower orphan's etc.

1. Start with building a progressive company. Vision, Mission, Goals, Values Financial, Marketing, Business Plan, Management strategies, Charitable giving. In all of these areas a group of creative individuals can build the building block for a successful endeavor. Then once the the patten is set release the leadership of the company.

2. Launch and implement these new strategies. What are the short term and long term goals. Periodic reviews and empowerment in weak areas. Group serves the Leader and supports his or her vision.

3. Charitable aspect. It is important for the company to be financially successful and those who do great work also to be rewarded, but we believe that if we make strategic giving a priority then it will surprise us at how much will be available to give.

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